Sunday, December 2, 2007


I wanted to give a shout out to Stephanie.... for turning the big 30!!!
Here are 30 reasons why I love Stephanie:

1. She gives the most amazing hair cuts... EVER!!!! A while back she stopped cutting hair... I am pretty sure I had to sell my soul to the devil to get her cutting again.... for all of her fans... your welcome
2. She is a great workout partner
3. She doesn't care if I say bad words
4. She laughs at all of my jokes... even when they aren't that funny
5. She can do more calf raises then me (wait, I don't know if I love her because of that)
6. She has the best style-always up on the latest fashions
7. She makes the best Tuna Sandwiches
8. She takes pictures of me for our weight loss blog and still has decided to be my friend
9. She has the cutest kids!!!
10. She gets her hair to do amazing curls... I still don't get it!!!
11. She is so nice
12. She knows how to color Red hair... You do know how to color red hair right???
13. She is the greatest Weight Watchers Pal, counter, supporter
14. She makes me feel good about being me, despite all of my flaws
15. I always have so much fun when I see her.
16. She likes Fiber One bars... but hates the repercussions... hee hee
17. She laughs with me when we go to the "MEAN" spin instructors class
18. She is okay with taking the elevator after the "MEAN" spin instructors class
19. She calls it how she see it...
20. She introduced me to my amazing photographer!!! Becky Earl
21. She told me about Baja Fresh's taco (2 points per chicken taco... amazing!!)
22. She gives good advice
23. She has a really good blog
24. Her son sings "My Humps" in church... Love it!!!
25. She sings the songs in our spin class!!! It always brings a smile to my face as I am dying on my bike
26. Her house is always clean... I don't get how she does it.
27. I don't know if she even thinks about this, but a couple of years ago I was having an extremely stressful time and she left a very nice card in my car... You'll never know how much that helped me...
28. She doesn't mind (???) seeing Brandon without his shirt on... so funny... a merry christmas to you
29. She loves the Wednesday night HIP HOP Class... wait one minute... thats right... she LEFT half way through

I am so glad that we have been able to start hanging out. I can't tell you how much I like spending time with you... I always laugh and know that I will have a good time

I hope you have an amazing 30th bday... you definitely deserve it!!!