Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Parker's big boy Birthday

My sweet little guy,

isn't so sweet &
isn't so little.
I can NOT believe that my Parkee is two. It was like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant. We wanted him for so long before we were finally blessed with him. He represented a second chance in our life, and for that I will always have a special place saved for him in my heart.

My Parkee is all boy. His face lights up when he sees a backhoe or a loader. He loves playing in the dirt and hanging with his favorite buddies, his dad and his grandpa. He has started to speak in sentences, baby sentence, but still!!! Where's dada, I want that, treat, treat, treat. So cute.


He is my hardest child by far. I was telling brandon today that Park knows that I can't do much when I am holding Thatcher. It is like negotiating with a terrorist!! "No Park, come over here, please, don't walk in the road, please, don't do that, do you want a treat...." He totally knows how to work the system. But...

I have grown to appreciate his difficulty. He can drive me straight mad and then come over and give me kisses and I totally forget my anger. he has such a sweet, clever little personality. I fall more and more in love with my middle child each day.
I can't imagine my life without him and all he brings into our lives.

Happy birthday, my sweet Parkee