Tuesday, December 30, 2008

If I was on the ball, merry christmas card

Why is it that every christmas season I have these big christmas card plans, you know the kind, where you have this amazing picture where everyone looks so happy and posed just perfectly and this witty letter covering the whole year. I have the cutest cards sitting under the bed looking just as cute as can be. And that is where they will stay for yet another year. This will be my christmas card this year. It's not perfect, but here it is...

From a new baby to a new town, a cute pair of glasses and one wild man finding he can climb, and a(huge gasp!!)minivan. 2008 will be a year to remember.

Our wish for you is happiness in the year to come, Happy 2009!!


Jamie said...

Cute fam Mandi! It was great seeing you, hopefully we can get together again soon!

Mindi D said...

I am going through the 'minivan' dilema as we speak! I got in one yesterday and seriously felt 10 years older immediately!! I don't know if I can do it, but it needs to be done! Your card is way cute! I'm sad I missed you when you came, we'll have to do that again when I can come! Have a happy new year!!

Sherice said...

Love the card Mandi!! I still feel like you only exist in a blog world. I was really hoping to get together when you were here so I could see your cute face in person. Maybe next time ey? Well Happy New Year to you and your family!!

The Lewy's said...

Hey Lev! Great to hear from you...If you're anything like me, your wife will have to tell you that I sent a note (my wife actually hooked-me up on here so I could send you a comment).

What a great looking family! We'll have to add your blog to our favorites and keep track of you.

Take Care! Lewy

Unknown said...

Love it! You are witty without even trying :)! Miss you!

steph j. said...

I need your new address. Email me: stephylovespink@hotmail.com
How are you guys doing? That baby is growing way too fast!

steph j. said...

Hey Happy Birthday, Did you get my text?

linds said...

Hey mand, how are you? How's it like being the big 2-9? So, I was watching friends last night and watched the episode where Ross and Rachel are trying to choose a name for their baby and Ross says Thatcher...I laughed for like 10 minutes!! Anywho, my blog is going private and wanted to send you an invite. My email is lindsay-stevens@hotmail.com...