Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Congrats, Sis

I am a little bit behind, but better late then never...

My sister Beckee graduated from BYU with here Masters in social Work...
I am so proud of her and what she has been able to accomplish.
Here are a couple of pictures.

Congrats Beckee we are so proud of you!!!


steph j. said...

Mandi...WTH? You ARE alive. I've tried texting and calling you. Just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing? Your kids have already changed so much since I last saw them, they so cute!

steph j. said...

I just noticed that I don't have your email listed on my blog. Will you email me your email and I'll send you an invite.

Unknown said...

Holy cow! Beckee is supposed to be 13 or something! That's awesome that she graduated. She looks so good!

melinda said...

I hope you had fun with your family. Did you take this pictures? they are gorgeous.

Jamie said...

Wait a minute... she can't be that old can she? Wow, where does the time go! I'm glad you're back to blogging, it's nice to feel like I'm still in touch with you somehow!